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What will happen to the land after the lease expires?The lease details how equipment (solar panels, posts, utility poles, etc.) will be removed and the site will restored to a meadow.
Does the landowner pay for anything?The landowner is responsible for their own legal fees for viewing contracts and for setting up family trusts. All other costs (surveys, engineering, permit fees, etc.) are covered by the solar developer.
How will maintenance crews access the solar project site?The Lease details how, when, and where maintenance crews can use and enter the site. The project will need a gravel road to the fence and a gate.
What is a Power Purchase Agreement?According to Solar Energy Industries Association, a solar PPA is a financial agreement where a developer arranges for the design, permitting, financing, and installation of a solar energy system on a customer’s property at little to no cost. The developer then sells the power generated to the community or business at a fixed rate that is typically lower than the local utility’s retail rate. ​ A PPA is a desired agreement because this lower electricity price serves to offset the customer’s purchase of electricity from the grid while the developer receives the income from these sales of electricity as well as any tax credits and other incentives generated from the system.
How long is the lease?The Land Lease Option and Lease Agreement (the Lease) lasts for 25 years with up to four 5-year extensions.
Where will the power generated go?The power from our arrays will be delivered into the local state electrical grid through available transmission lines, helping to diversify the state’s energy portfolio. This is the same pool that supplies all consumers with electricity, and power generated by the project may be used both locally and transmitted in state to where it is needed based on demand.
Can I sell my property after I signed a lease?Definitely! it potentially could be advantageous since there is guaranteed income from the property, making it more valuable to some buyers.
Will a fence surround the solar project?Yes, national electric code and most insurance carriers require fencing around the entire project.
Who maintains the site during the Lease?The solar developer is responsible for all maintenance and site work within the designated area being leased from the landowner. this would include fence repair, mowing grass, repairing or replacing solar panels. This is detailed in the Land Lease Option and Lease Agreement.
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